Categories: Fruits

How Peach beneficial for health

Published by
Sharat Sharma

Peaches are a most popular juicy, delicious fruit. Peach available in both white and yellow varieties. Peaches are a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and other chemical contents. It is naturally sweet and juicy with a lovely aroma. Peach improves vision health by increasing circulation of blood in all body parts by containing beta-carotene.

Peaches prevent cancerous cell growth rich with antioxidants. It help to control high cholesterol and problems that lead to diabetes and heart disease. It also stores a broad range of nutrients that are vital for the healthy functioning of the body. peaches provide a lot of nutrients with no fat and few calories. Peaches contain health promoting flavonoid poly phenolic

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Antioxidants such as zeaxanthin, ß-cryptoxanthin, lutein.
The fuzzy peach is actually a member of the rose family and peach’s scientific name, Prunus persica. you can directly use peaches for skin care such dark circles and wrinkles. Peach helps to prevent macular degeneration and cancer with the help of lycopene and lutein.

Sharat Sharma

To keep my friends and readers Healthy, I love to write and share articles on Fruits, Vegetables, Yoga Exercise and more. Importantly, I always promote natural remedies to keep your body healthy.