Health Education

What Type Of Exercise Schedule Should I Have For Optimal Benefits?

Published by
Sharat Sharma

There are three main types of exercises that can be included in your exercise program. These are-flexibility, strengthening, and fitness.

    These involve stretching, loosening up and bending and help muscles and joints to perform their full range of movement with suppleness and ease. These exercises are beneficial to reduce stiffness and keep your joints flexible.
    Include both flexibility and fitness exercises as well as the use of weights and specially designed equipments in a gym. These exercises help maintain or increase muscle strength, leading to firming up of the body and an improvement in posture.
    These help increase your endurance and stamina. Vigorous activities (Aerobic activities) such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, dancing, and swimming along with many sports like football, tennis, badminton etc. improve fitness. The improvement can be seen after a few weeks of regular, fairly, hard exercise i.e. 30 minutes of aerobic activity every day. However, the level of fitness soon declines if the exercise regime is abandoned.

There are various types of activities that you could choose from to suit your life style and requirement.

WALKING: Walking is the best form of moderate exercise. Brisk walking helps circulation of blood throughout the body. Walking can help people avoid a heart attack, peel off pounds and even develop a hard body. An ideal walking schedule for beginners is 20 minutes 6 or 7days a week. As you develop endurance and loose weight increase your walking time gradually. If you don’t need to lose body fat, you can stay fit by walking 20 to 30 minutes 3 days a week.

RUNNING OR JOGGING : Running improves cardiovascular fitness, promotes endurance and stamina and gives complexion a super fit glow. However, over exertion can cause fatigue, insomnia and rapid heart beat after the exercise.

CYCLING : Cycling strengthens legs and thighs, heart and lungs and improve circulation. Fresh air, speed and sense of freedom allow the mind to soar. Ride at an even speed, instead of exhausting the energy by pedalling hard. The continual pumping action benefits the heart.

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AEROBICS : This vigorous form of exercising which is generally accompanied with music, will slim you down and improve the efficiency of your heart, lungs and circulatory system.

SWIMMING : It tones all parts of the body symmetrically. The crawl, butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, all of them firm buttocks and thighs, broaden shoulders, slim torso and lift breasts. Swimming also gives a beautiful back and pressure tones the skin to a smooth polish.

TENNIS, BADMINTON AND SQUASH: These sports help develop strong buttocks and leg muscles, strengthen wrists, reflexes, eye-hand coordination and footwork ability. Warm-up before you play. Drink plenty of liquids after play.

Other daily activities like climbing stairs, gardening, carrying groceries etc all count towards moderate exercises which help in burning calories.

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Sharat Sharma

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