Nicotine in tobacco causes a craving in the smoker, more so when he/she sees other smokers. To control that craving:

  • Call or e-mail a friend who does not smoke or has quit smoking
  • Throw out all the reminders of cigarettes, especially lighters and ashtrays.
  • Go for a brisk walk
  • Take a hot bath or shower
  • Chew on something or eat a healthy snack
  • Drink a glass of water or milk
  • Go to the gym or the pool.
  • Avoid such situations and certain people, who give you a temptation to smoke

  • Go for a play or sporting event
  • Buy a bouquet of flowers and really enjoy their fragrance
  • Join an anti smokers group

The good news is that once you quit, your body begins healing itself almost immediately. This includes a reduction in your risk of cancer, heart attack, and stroke. If you also begin exercising and eating better, the improvements will be even more dramatic. There are many benefits of quitting smoke like more stamina for work and play, Whiter teeth and fresher breath, Decreasing risk of serious illnesses and saving YOUR MONEY.

The longer you don’t use tobacco, the more your confidence will grow and the less likely you are to slip back to your old habits.

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