Share Trikonasana Variation-4 Stand erect with feet 2 to 3 feet apart. Extend the arms horizontally to the sides....Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Trikonasana TRIKONASANA Exercise-68: Trikonasana Stand erect with feet about 3 feet apart. Raise the arms sideways to...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Dwi Konasana Exercise-67: Dwi konasana Stand erect on a bare floor with the feet together. Extend the arms...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Utthita Lolasana Exercise-63: Utthita lolasana Stand erect with feet 2 to 3 feet apart. Raise the arms over...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Tiryaka Tadasana Exercise-62: Tiryaka tadasana Assume the posture for tadasana. Bend from the waist, first to the right...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Pranayama Benefits PRANAYAMA WHAT IS PRANAYAMA AND HOW DOES IT INFLUENCE THE BODY? Prana is the vital or...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Parvatasana Position-5: Parvatasana (The Mountain Posture) Straighten the left leg and place the left foot beside the...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Meru wakrasana Exercise-100:Meru wakrasana (The simple twist) Sit with the legs stretched straight in front. Place the hands...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Vashishthasana Exercise-125: Vashishthasana (the straight arm stretch pose) Lie on the left side with the right leg...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share All other details as for Sirshasana Exercise-109:Sarvangasana (The shoulder stand pose) Lie flat on the back with feet together, arms by the...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Salamba Sirshasana Exercise-105: Salamba sirshasana (The supported headstand pose) Assume marjariasana (the cat pose). Place the crown of...Read More Yoga-Exercises
Share Bhumi Pada Mastakasana Exercise-102: Bhumi pada mastakasana (The half headstand pose) Assume the posture for marjariasana (the cat pose)....Read More Yoga-Exercises